Thursday, April 27, 2006


Well here I was, standing in Ottokars this afternoon staring at the self of cookbooks.

And I realised that there were *lots* of books on vegetarian food, a sizeable proportion of which were about *fast* vegetarian food. Flicking through them showed a fairly horrific thing, from mpov anyway :-) Pretty much every single 'fast' recipe had eggs or cheese as a constituent part.

Sure there were a few Vegan cookbooks. But they really didn't offer much that could be cooked in under and hour, much less under 30 mins. At least, very little that were a pasta/sauce combination, or made use of some really quite processed stuff.

Now sure, I like the occasional Redwoods 'sausage' or similar. I love miso soup (which has to be one of the fastest vegan dishes going, even without resorting to the powdered kind). But I don't want to live on that stuff. And I have 3 kids, a DP who commutes, and a household to run, and a couple of businesses, and a whole slew of blogs :-) And I often want to feed us all without it taking two hours and every pan in the kitchen and a whole load of ready-made things; or resorting to chips and baked beans *again* (although sometimes I think that my children would live on chips and baked beans given the option, lol).

So here I am The Speedy Vegan. That's me. There will be a book - but first (drum roll please :-) I present 'The Blog'.


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