Friday, September 01, 2006

And from April to now...

And life has been so hectic that I forgot all about this :-)

So - a recipe. A speedy one :-)

And depending on how you make it it can be raw too :-)

Its a tray un-bake :-)

Basic mixture

You'll need one *very very* ripe mango, enough oats to soak up the moisture (so around a cup and a half, more if you want a *really* stiff mixture). Smoosh these two things together. Leave to stand for 5 minutes. (If making this really raw use oat groats and smoosh them together in a blender.) To eat 'plain' spread it out on a baking sheet and leave to stand overnight, or in the dehydrator or a fan oven without the heat on.

Goji version

Take a 1/4 cup goji berries, and the juice of 1 lemon.
Soak the berries in the lemon juice - 5 mins is fine, but overnight makes them all gloopy and lovely.

Spread out half the oat/mango mix, spread over the goji, spread the rest of the oat mix on top.

Blueberry version

Take a small punnet of blueberries - spread out mixture on a silicon sheet, top half with the blueberries, and using the sheet fold over the other half on top. Again, leave to stiffen in a breeze or in the dehydrator :-)

'Mince no-meat' version

Blend 3 figs, 3 dates and 2 TBsp sunflower seeds together. Stir in handful dried berries, handful dried raisins, goji (to taste) to this. Spread out half the oat mix into a deep dish or a loose bottomed baking tin, put in the mince no-meat, and spread the rest of the oat mix on top. Leave to stand to stiffen, slice and serve (easier if done in a loose bottom tin this, as when stiff you can just cut into slices in tin, then remove the sides leaving the base in place for easy access :-)

If you want this *really* filled raw style then you spread out the oat mix in two pieces, leave them overnight or in the dehydrator; and then construct the unbake in the morning in whatever version you desire.